Jack Moore's Views on Police Corruption in Western Australia
Yes - they ARE corrupt!
Quality Assurance - NIL
And they rely on compliant magistrates to convict who they want. Remember Ron "I'm not interested in evidence" Gething? .
The police force was called the police service. They obviously thought better of the name.
The police force is a public service paid for by the public! Service???
Have I got more views? Of course. Watch this space!
Meanwhile, I would like to put down a short history of policing. If you want a long history I recommend you follow the link:
Long History.
We could start with the Roman vigiles of 27 BC (see link), but it is normal to think of John Peel's force of 1827.
The idea was that the police would be from the local community, would identify with the locals and could approach them or be approached, without causing alarm. The previous way was to use the army!
Since then only the technology and the uniforms have changed.
How did it work?
So how approachable are the police? and do they mix socially? How many people would welcome the sight of a police car outside their house? How many Aboriginal officers are there?
The answer to these would be negative.
This article is not about framing suspects for murder, gold swindles and serious crimes. It is not about police being taser happy or about prisoner abuse.
It is about how the corruption is ingrained from soon after training.
For example, in a traffic situation, both sides will feel in the right.
Police will take statements from both and may choose one to prosecute. The accused will have his statement used to prepare the prosecution case.
No such luck for the defendant. He will not get a look at the prosecution case.
And just to make sure, a police officer may come as a witness to make sure you made the statement.
Blue Metal. Phrase used by police where false evidence to be used against victim.
Three witnesses trick. Pretend they have 3 witnesses. Probably the PC taking the statement and the other party's spouse.
Smuggled Site
Smuggled - WA Police
Smuggled - WA Police 2
A private site (Possibly not working)
An ABC article
E-Mail: Jack Moore